Our consortium member WZL holds a Webinar in the series of events IHK4KMU:innovative on 25. April 2024
Topic: dealing with data

Data in the company
In the framework of the chamber of Commerce and industry event series "IHK4KMU:innovative“ Ronja Witt from WZL of the RWTH will speak about the field of the unused data in the company in the beginning, how these are processed and analyzed, and then used in the company or by the use of Artificial intelligence.
Almost every day, small and medium-sized businesses respond to the trend of the word "Artificial intelligence (AI)" and the associated benefits for the competitiveness. A significant factor is the available data in this context in its own company, which as a fuel complex analyses can be interpreted. The Webinar is dedicated to the value of data and shows the influence of data quality on evidence-based decision making. In addition, a well-established standard procedure of data analysis to the introduction of the first KI-simplify approaches.
When? Thursday, 25. April 2024, from 9:00 to 10:00 PM.
Where? Digital, Link by E-Mail.
To sign-up to the 23. April 2024 will be asked.
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