Transfer of the Promotion Decision
Düsseldorf, 31.08.2023

Representatives of the EDIH Rheinland met in the düsseldorf media harbour with the other two EDIHs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Dortmund and Victoriesto the Minister of economic Affairs Mona Neubaur exchange on the conditions and opportunities of the digital Transformation. In the framework of this network, meeting the Funding of the state of North Rhine were handed over to the EDIH of Rhineland-Westphalia in the amount of 960.000€.
Together with the support of the European Union a funding volume of approx. € 4 million is available to us, that we will use over a period of three years for the digital Transformation. Especially small and medium-sized companies, Start-ups and the public sector, we want to assist in their development. We promote the structural change in the Region of Aachen and of the Rhineland. Our regional focus ranges from the Rhine to the tri-border region in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Prof., Dr. Robert Schmitt: "The EDIH Rheinland is, therefore, a natural first contact point for many SMEs from the tri-state area. With its heterogeneous network of institutions and organizations to address the situation, the challenges of the digital Transformation. Issues of structural change and the digital Transformation does not stop at national borders and should always be nationally conceived and implemented.“
We are pleased to be a part of the network of 151 EDIH in the whole of Europe, and the digitization across national borders to promote. The Minister underlined the fundamental importance of the EDIHs for NRW: "Our three EDIH-points of contact from the Rhineland, the Ruhr area and Westphalia provide a valuable access to a Europe-wide Service network is An important Foundation for a successful digital Transformation. Here, the company can try, investment decisions, prepare and valuable Know-How, to make their business models fit for the future“

Image credits: ©Uta Wagner/MWIKE NRW

Image credits: ©Uta Wagner/MWIKE NRW