From the Desk to the algorithm: How AI is revolutioning our Working and Learning
On 25.04.2024, a panel discussion on artificial intelligence and its challenges for teaching took place in the OecherLab

In cooperation with the project "Accents 4.0“ we organized in the OecherLab (Capuchin dig 19D, Aachen, Germany) is a Discussion in the framework of the "future space: AI in the OecherLab".
As an EU-funded project, it is a priority for us on the topics that we edit and to explore, to inform, and to carry them into the General Public. Especially if they relate to us as an educational institution directly. In cooperation with the project "accents 4.0", that is, the challenges and opportunities of AI from the societal perspective is approaching, was a good opportunity for us.
The event began with an introduction by Professor Nitsch, Head of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics at RWTH Aachen University, who presented findings and perspectives on artificial intelligence in the world of work in a short keynote speech. This was followed by a panel discussion in which the most pressing issues surrounding the topic of AI in work and education were debated. The following were invited:
- Prof. Dr. Verena NitschHead of Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics
- Dr. Andrea Alte Post, Department of textile engineering at RWTH Aachen, ITA, head of the project Effectively
- Dr. Frank Hees, Member of the chair governing Board IQS at the WZL of RWTH Aachen University, project coordinator of the EDIH Rheinland (EU-funded transfer project)
- Michael Goebbels, Headmaster of the Couven-gymnasium in Aachen
Unter Beteiligung des Publikums wurden die Auswirkung der schon jetzt verfügbaren „Künstlichen Intelligenz“ im Alltag (Chatbots, Empfehlungsanzeigen, Alltagsassisstenten) diskutiert.
Die natürliche Begrenzung der „künstlichen Intelligenz“ kam dabei ebenso zur Spreche wie deren oft verschenktes Potenzial durch limitierte Datenrundlage, schleppende Digitalisierung in der Verwaltung oder hinterherhinkende Gesetzgebung.

Prof. Dr. Verena Nitsch holds a short introduction
Image credits: ©EDIH Rheinland

Prof. Dr. Verena Nitsch, Dr. Frank Hees, Dr. Andrea old post office and Michael Goebbels in conversation with Moderator Philipp Inhibitor
Image credits: ©EDIH Rheinland

It's a lively discussion about the involvement of the audience, developed cheer
Image credits: ©EDIH Rheinland