The EDIH Rheinland Newsletter informs you about current and future events as well as news and actions in the framework of the project. He serves members and interested parties on the progress and developments in the digital Transformation of the Region to keep up-to-date.

KI-magic in practice: workshop series in OecherLab
In may, our event starts series "KI-magic in practice: Efficient data-Power for the digital Transformation," In lectures and Workshops, [...]
Event: From the Desk of the algorithm with accents 4.0 in OecherLab
From the Desk of the algorithm: How AI, our Learning and Working On 25.04.2024 a round-table discussion was revolutionized in the OecherLab around [...]
A successful Take-Off of the EDIH Rheinland
A successful Take-Off last Tuesday, the 24.10.2023, held our kick-off event in the digital Church in Aachen, Germany. [...]
Transfer of the Promotion Decision
Transfer the promotion decision, Düsseldorf, 31.08.2023 representative of the EDIH the Rhineland with met in the düsseldorf media harbour [...]
Interview with the representative of the EDIH the Rhineland at the Annual Summit
Interview published During the first EDIH-network-meeting of 31.05.- 01.06.2023 in Brussels, was our representative, Eva Haas on our EDIH [...]