Our consortium member the IT Center offers an HPC consulting hour at 18. July 2024
Here you can ask any type of questions relating to High-Performance Computing once a month, where the best use of opportunities and the greatest benefits are

HPC consultation no 34
When: 18.July.; 14:00 – 15:00;
To be continued.
Where: Online
To join the Zoom meeting, you can use the following Link:
Meeting ID: 914 5350 5636
Code: 690220
The IT Center offers an open HPC consultation hour at regular intervals. This takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. Here you have the opportunity to ask any HPC-related questions, e.g. about
Cluster Usage
Parallel Programming
Performance analysis and optimization of self-written Code
Workflow optimization (e.g., Job Management and data processing)
Efficient use of systems and Software
Software installation and usage
Use for computing time on large systems (Tier 2 and 1)
This event is intended purely as a question and answer session, without an introductory talk or similar.
The main language can be, depending on the audience, also in English.
The participation is always free of charge. More detailed Information about flow and contact of the page HPC-office hours (engl.)