Our consortium partner digitalHUB Aachen e.V. is organizing an information evening on the topic of “AI in companies” in cooperation with the BME and regioIT on November 21, 2024

Find the EIDH Rheinland is an AI solution that fits Your business!

Anwendung von KI in Unternehmen

"Innovation scout shopping – shopping meets AI Start-up"

Discover practical and innovative examples of the application of AI in different areas of the company! This collaboration event of regio IT, WZL, BME, EDIH Rhineland and digitalHUB Aachen e. V. offers exciting insights: look Forward to an inspiring keynote speech and the occasion to get to know three promising Start-ups in their pitches.

  • Alpamayo AI solutions for the simplification of business processes that help companies to increase their efficiency in the procurement and operational Management. With the help of modern technology, you can make complex data accessible and clearly, and support data-driven Decide.
  • AmbeRoad offers an AI-based search technology that allows companies to fast and accurate access to relevant information. Intelligent shortcuts and contextual search results, you will help to use data effectively and to make informed decisions.
  • Anny supported with a smart booking platform for organizations to manage their resources effectively – from the rooms to the devices. Through a user-friendly digital solution, you can enable simple and flexible bookings to minimize the administrative burden, and use of, optimize.


  • 18:30 PM: welcome by the BME
  • 18:35 PM: guided tour through the digitalHUB Aachen
  • 18:40 PM: keynote speech of the regio iT – "innovations in the shopping"
  • 19:10 PM: Startup Pitches
  • 20:00: presentation of the EDIH Rheinland
  • 20:05 PM: Networking

We look forward to your participation!

When: 21. November 2024, 18:30 – 21:00;

Location: digitalCHURCH, Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen

More Information you will find here!

For free registration please this page!

The participation is always free of charge.