In OecherLab takes place a seminar on the topic of research funding on September 6th.

It will be about the funding of research and development of digital technologies and how the costs can be refunde in a non-bureaucratic way

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Unbureaucratic support of AI, and Digital technologies – research allowance to successfully use

Whether it is a software company or manufacturing industry, established SME or high-tech start-up - investments in new developments and significant improvements to products, processes or services incur enormous costs. The good news is that thanks to the so-called research allowance, expenses can be reimbursed in an unbureaucratic manner. The special thing is that the funding can also be claimed for projects that have already been started or completed. The recently agreed increase in funding and the inclusion of movable fixed assets will make the instrument particularly lucrative in future. Anyone wishing to apply retroactively for expenses from 2020 should submit an application by the end of this year at the latest.

The end of the event

In the upcoming seminar with an expert from the Center for Innovation and Technology in NRW - ZENIT for short - participants will go through the specific procedure for drafting applications based on the special requirements for AI-related projects. In addition to gaining a practical insight into the application steps, the experts' perspective is also taken into account. What do they look for when they read an application for the first time? When is an application convincing for them? When is it not? The documentation requirements are also a topic of the seminar.

When: Friday, 6. September 2024; 10:00 to 14:00
Where: OecherLab, Capuchin cart 19D

For more info on the sides of the OecherLab.

Don't miss this practical offer of the OecherLab with ZENIT, the NRW.Innovation partner, the Aachen chamber of Commerce and the EDIH Rheinland!

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