Our consortium member digitalHUB Aachen e. V. offers an AI-consultation hour on October 10th, 2024

Here you can once a month ask any type of questions relating to digitalisation, Artificial intelligence and Co

KI-Sprechstunde des digitalHUB Aachen

In the the AI-consultation hours you can ask any individual questions regarding AI applications, strategies, and implementations.

Use the consultation to inform yourself about the latest developments in the field of Artificial intelligence, to explore potential applications for your business and to discuss any challenges. If you already have concrete projects in planning or you just need an overview of the capabilities of AI can provide – the office hours is open to everyone.

Here you can find advice and specialist expertise and, if necessary, you can also be put in touch with others. Depending on the topic, contacts can be arranged with members of the institutes at RWTH Aachen University or the Fraunhofer Institutes.

Wann: Am 10. Oktober: 15:00 – 17:00 Uhr;

Weitere Termine am 07.11. & 19.12.; wird fortgesetzt.

Location: digitalHUB, Jülicher Str. 72a, Aachen

The participation is always free of charge. To the previous contact by E-Mail with a novel, or Anna from the digitalHUB e. V., however, asked.

More detailed Information about the expiration and contact page the digitalHUB e. V..