
Frequently asked questions

Here we have listed some frequently asked questions that we are often asked.

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What is the EDIH Rhineland?2024-04-16T13:58:24+00:00
We are a transfer project funded by the European Union and the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The project is supported by a consortium consisting of 14 project members. Our task is to make research findings available to industry and public administration. This should be as application-oriented as possible so that companies and institutions can see an improvement for themselves and their customers as quickly as possible.
What is the Hub for?2024-04-16T13:58:37+00:00
We want to make our knowledge and experience from implementation projects in the field of digital transformation available to all interested parties from business (especially small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups) or public administration. We want to enable you to use the latest digital technologies in order to be prepared for the future in terms of competition and the processing of data and information.
What does the EDIH Rhineland offer me?2024-04-16T13:58:53+00:00

We offer services in the field of knowledge transfer. Our services range from the organization of networking events, advice on funding opportunities for operational measures and general information events to qualification offers and implementation projects in the field of digitization, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

What does the offer cost me?2024-04-16T13:53:18+00:00
We are a transfer project funded by the European Union and the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. All our services are therefore free of charge. Talk to us or contact us if you have any questions about costs or funding here.
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